Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today is the day! (posted a few days late)

Hey Friends! Here is the blog post I had written to share while sitting at my gate in St. Louis.....Obviously that didn't happen. (I had no internet until today here upon the ship.) I will update more about life since arriving later. As of now the quick news is that I am here, living in my 5X5 space,   and living among some wonderful people. I am actually headed out in to town today with some longer term people who have invited me along--I. AM. PUMPED!!! So off I run to change and set off into the African unknown. But really, I do promise to update later about my flights, airports, land rover rides, tour of the ship, and friends....  until then, Hannah

Today is the Day!!! 

Today is the day that I leave my home, all my loving friends, amazing family, my comfort zone, and beloved STL and move to West Africa. 

Today is the day that I set out on a new adventure- not knowing one single soul, but relying on God for everything. 

Today is the day I leave for a place where God can use me and the skills he has given me to change lives that may have never been touched otherwise. 

Today is the day I took my last long shower, slept in a queen sized bed, and drove a car for a long 8 months.

 My heart is overjoyed, and the excitement is building. I am sitting at my gate beaming, ready for this adventure to begin. But as much as this morning had been orchestrated to go off without a hitch, obviously there was at least one.....a long 45 minute hitch. Let me paint this picture for you--- Here I am, jazzed to be going to Africa, all smiles, ready to hand over my passport. Then all things changed when the desk at the United Check in told me I was not going to be checking in. That I had the wrong documentation, and would not be allowed entry to the country. I was prepared for this--Mercy Ships had warned me that it might happen. I deliver the answer as I should, that In fact it would be okay, and then provided the paper work to prove as such. I can understand, as it is interesting to not need an official visa to enter a country half way around the globe. but it wasn’t received well--still a no go. Yes, I replied, I understand one of my documents is in French-- but Hey, they speak french!...also not an appropriate answer....After many phone calls, faxing of documents, and one desperate plea to Mercy Ships, 45 long minutes later it was fixed with a swift “Ohh, okay! I understand, do you have bags to check?? :)”....whew!  I assure you the after math was much happier then the panic that had set in....But, once again I need to remember that God provides for his kids and the Guinean people are THRILLED to have us there, giving them the opportunity to be healed. 

So now that you are updated to the morning, Here is a look at my 24hr travel to Guinea--
---Depart STL at 117p arriving in Newark NJ at 446p
---Depart Newark at 6:19p arrive in Brussels, Belgium at 745am the 25th (yes, that is a 7hr 26 min flight)
---Depart Brussels at 230pm and arrive in 705pm in Conakry Guinea!!! (another 6+hr flight with time changes)
Whew! On advice of several world class travelers I happen to know, I have brought my toothbrush and am pretending to just “camp out” for the night. 

Just a side note, On my last flight I will be meeting up with MANY other people heading to the boat--yay!!!

So thanks for stoping in to see what’s happening on this new adventure, If you would like to pray for me specifically- --here is what I need:

Prayers to conquer travel like a champ, prayer to calm my heart and help me to feel God’s hand on this whole adventure, prayers to keep a smile on my face even if I’m tired, Prayers that people will want to be my friend, (I know that seems silly, but I really pray that I can connect with a few souls as we head to the ship for our journey.) And most of all, Prayer that God will continue to reveal his plan to me and that I will be open and willing to follow his lead.   

So long for now, and maybe I’ll have an update once I hit Belgium! I have never been to Europe-- so excited to look out the window to a beautiful European parking lot for airplanes :)

Peace! Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, we will pray for you every night at bedtime! I am sure you will meet many people who will be blessed to be in your life forever. You are an amazing young woman!
