Monday, April 22, 2013

Breaking News--not really, but kind of......

So there’s this small-small piece of news that I have stewed over sharing for last few weeks. I don’t really know how to go about telling it in a way that does it justice, so I’m just going to put it out there......Are you ready? One, two, three------I am coming back to the ship for another outreach. Big deal right? After hours and hours of prayers, conversations with friends and family, and just listening to my heart, I have re-committed to another 10 glorious months aboard the Africa Mercy. This time sailing with the ship into the Republic of Congo. After almost nine months on this floating vessel, I have realized that this place is ingrained in me, has captured my heart, and I just simply am not ready to close this chapter of my life. I absolutely love our patients, the African way of life, and this melting pot of a place with crew from all over the world. I have made amazing friends, have poured into amazing patients, and have learned so much about this culture, and myself. Even single ounce that I have given has been returned to me ten-fold. Patients and friends have crossed all borders and have become family, people who I will never forget.  The idea of working in a Western hospital sounds amazingly unappealing, and I was honestly getting a belly ache simply thinking about it. As much as I miss people and the comforts of home, I know that God has put it heavily on my heart to stay. I’m not sure of the exact reasons I feel so strongly, but I just do. I feel certain that this is the correct place for me to be and to continue this season of my life......So I’m stepping out, jumping, leaping, lunging, skipping, falling, whichever mode of transport you choose, and trusting in His plan for my life. All of that said, logistically I’ll be home June 11th through July 23rd for a jam packed 6 weeks of catching up with friends and family, sharing my experiences, doing life alongside people I love, and soaking up every second before returning to the ship in a new role. I am honored to announce that I will be a Clinical Ward Educator this coming year. Fancy title, all to say that I will working on a team alongside two other amazing women to orient all of our new nurses coming through this place. We are responsible for equipping them with everything they need to be successful during their time here. I am so excited to share my passion for this place, to share my love for these people and this way of life. I am beyond jazzed to make the transition period one in which people feel supported, encouraged, and ready to do what they were called here to do from all sides of the globe.  Another aspect of my job will be focused on Community Health Education--I’ll share more about that later, but basically I will be working with a small team to develop a curriculum to educate local nurses in the Congo. Our program will consist of both classroom and ward time, and essentially we are striving to empower and educate local nurses to enable them to care for their own people. Exciting stuff right? So there it is---the big news of the day. I know that I can’t do this on my own and I am going to continue to count of the support, prayers, and words of encouragement from all of you amazing people at home. So thanks for keeping tabs on me, for loving me, for standing behind me day after day and most of all for caring about me enough to let me go fulfill my dream......

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, I am not surprised at all! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you made a career out of this kind of work. Some people just have the ability to see the glass not only as half full, but as overflowing with possibility, and you are one of those people. If your heart is happy, you are in the right place! And we are behind you 100%. Congratulations on the educator position - you will excel at that and the new nurses will grow so much with you! With tons of respect and hugs - Krista
