Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This week has been a tough one on the wards. They have seen heartbreak and success, and I have only shared in a brief moment of it all. I love my new job, but I feel absolutely disconnected from the place I love most. I have my second shift on the wards this evening after they have been open for a week, and I cannot wait. It feels strange to walk down the hallway multiple times a day, and to not be a part of the beautiful life happening behind the doors. To have a heavy heart for all the hard cases and joy for all the happy ones, but not really know the patients at that core level. To not have them excited to see me, because after all, who am I? The girl who walks through and greets everyone, but not the one who stays late into the night holding their hands when they are scared. I guess it would be safe to say I am mourning the loss of my old job.......I can't put any words to the week, but I know my friends Deb and Amy can....please take a moment to read and pray for sweet little baby girl's family.

Deb's blog
-->  please read further down as she speaks of other patients on the wards

As for my one patient I have been able to care for, she had her surgery yesterday. We will call her "G" and when I went down to visit her after the case, her mama had nothing but tears of joy. I can't wait to share her after photo with you all...she is beautiful.

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